Spectrum Gateway

Spectrum Gateway Probe

The spectrumgtw (Spectrum Gateway) probe provides a bidirectional (CA UIM to CA Spectrum and CA Spectrum to CA UIM) integration between CA Unified Infrastructure Management and CA Spectrum enabling you to perform the following actions:
  • Export and correlate CA Spectrum Inventory from a Global Collection to CA UIM inventory.
  • Bi-directional synchronization of alarms
  • Bi-directional Clear / Update of alarms
  • View symptomatic CA Spectrum alarms in the context for the root-cause alarm in CA UIM
  • Ticket ID synchronization between CA Spectrum and CA UIM

Prerequisites and Installation Considerations

  • The CA Unified Infrastructure Management Alarm Server (nas) probe must be installed and activated.

  • The CA Unified Infrastructure Management Event Management Services (v probe must be deployed and configured for the spectrumgtw probe to run successfully.

  • The CA Unified Infrastructure Management trellis (v8.4.3.0) probe should be active and the spectrum-uim-serviceimpl service should be running.

  • The CA Unified Infrastructure Management VMware (vmware) probe 6.72 or higher (if managing virtualized devices with UIM and Spectrum as well).

  • A Global Collection of the devices must be created that needs to be shared with CA UIM. Once the global collection is created in CA Spectrum with all the required devices, CA UIM receives that inventory information.

  • To enable the Spectrum Gateway bi-directional integration (spectrumgtw) probe, the CA Spectrum - CA UIM bidirectional management option must be enabled and configured from CA Spectrum OneClick Administration page > UIM Configuration.

Note: If using the uni-directional integration, turn off the associated profile in the snmpgtw probe before using the spectrumgtw probe for bidirectional integration.
Revision history
Date Description State Version

What's New:

  • The trellis probe is deprecated in DX UIM 20.4 CU6. As a result, spectrumgtw 20.40 removes dependency on the trellis probe and no longer uses the spectrum-uim-service-impl service. The spectrumgtw probe now uses enhanced nisapis to achieve the same functionality.
  • (8.69HF1) Adds a configurable regular expression ( regExToRemoveMatchedChars [\x0B\x0C\x0D] ) to the probe in the spectrumgtw.cfg file. This regular expression is applied to the alarm title to remove these problematic characters from the alarm title while sending the alarm payload to DX NetOps Spectrum.
    You can configure this regular expression and then restart the probe for the changes to take effect.
  • (8.69HF2) Addresses the Log4j 2-related vulnerability: CVE-2021-44228.
  • (8.69HF3) Upgrades the Log4j 2 version to 2.17.0.
  • (8.69HF4) Upgrades the Log4j 2 version to 2.19.0 and addresses the CVE-2021-44832 vulnerability.
    For more information about 8.69HF1/HF2/HF3/HF4, see UIM Hotfix .
  • Resolves the issue where DX NetOps Spectrum and DX UIM passwords were displaying in spectrum.log. Now, these passwords are no longer displayed in the log.
SHA-256 Checksum: 0a1404a34195de17d304ca688d5c6796af918c0b80902a374c362ac0c225be2b
GA 20.40

What's New:

  • Upgraded Graph Transform Library to graph-transform-0.0.7
  • Added configuration to enable/disable VMotion Sync with default value as true, that is, VMotionSync enabled
  • Improvements to Queue Subscription mechanism for vMotion updates
    • Creating spectrumgtw_udm queue only if both Vmware sync and vMotion sync enabled.
    • Monitoring queue subscription every 10 sec [can be configurable] and re-subscribing if the queue is disconnected
    • Before every Vmware full sync, queue if exists will be deleted and re-created. Ensuring that queue monitoring thread is completed while deleting the queue

Fixed Defects:


Spectrumgtw sends false alarm updates to Spectrum when there is no change to the UIM custom attributes which is resulting in unnecessary email notifications from Spectrum.


Added additional validation in Spectrumgtw to find actually updated attributes from the UIM alarm update. With this change.

  • Spectrumgtw does not send alarm updates when the value of custom attributes is not updated.
  • The alarm update payload includes only the changed attributes.

For more information on the integrated product and probe versions compatible with spectrumgtw, see DX NetOps Spectrum and DX UIM Interoperability.

MD5 Checksum: 51af90e8f704f860ebb12d908b146b6a
SHA-1 Checksum: 2505c0389729533d679bfc542b01237c0199dd30

What's New

Install the PTF 10.04.02.PTF_10.4.203 to get the following features and enhancements:

  • Multitenancy Enhancements: Added support to map multiple origins to a Single Spectrum Landscape so that hosts from multiple Hubs can be modeled in a specific SpectroServer. Similarly, Devices from Multiple Spectrum Landscapes can be modeled in UIM with a specific Origin.
  • VMware probe managed entities are filtered as part of Host Server synchronization by default. This is to avoid duplicate models in Spectrum when a UIM Host/robot is also managed by VMware probe. This can be controlled using the attribute FilterVMwareEntitiesunder Raw Configuration > setup > HostServerConfigurationsection.
  • When Host Server Integration or VMware Integration is disabled in Spectrumgtw, the respective hosts or virtual machines get deleted from Spectrum automatically.
  • Maintenance Schedules Synchronization: Added an action "Sync Maintenance Schedules" in Spectrumgtw > Spectrum Configuration section for on-demand synchronization of maintenance schedules.
  • Added a field "Ticketing System Integrated In" in the Spectrumgtw probe Configuration page which can be set to Spectrum or UIM. This helps to sync troubleshooter and troubleTicketID in one direction which prevents overwrites.
  • SpectrumgtwUdm queue has been created with the default size of 100 to process vMotion data and it is configurable to by changing the value of the attribute SpectrumgtwUdmQueueBulkSize in VMServerConfiguration section of spectrumgtw.cfg.
  • The minimum value of the queue size is 100 which is configured as the default value. To change the value of queue size, deactivate the probe and change the value and start the probe.

Following are the integrated product and probe versions compatible with spectrumgtw:

  • Spectrum v10.4.2 with PTF 10.04.02.PTF_10.4.203
  • UIM v20.1 or v9.2.0
  • spectrumgtw probe - v8.68
  • Spectrum UIM Services - v8.68
MD5 Checksum: 3b7487cfebc0c365463f421157113488
SHA-1 Checksum: af3c2a78efba6f2dde14a21c99d092378e92101f

What's New:

  • Provided support for filtering UIM VMware entities to be synchronized in Spectrum using a UIM Group. For more information refer to the UIM Group Name for VMware section in the AC Configuration page.
  • Provided support for spectrumgtw in a UIM High Availability (HA) environment using the HA probe (v.1.46)*. For instructions on deploying spectrumgtw in a UIM HA environment, see Deploy spectrumgtw in a UIM HA Environment.

Following are the integrated product and probe versions compatible with spectrumgtw 8.67:

  • Spectrum v10.3 or v10.3.1
  • UIM v9.0.2 or UIM v.8.5.1SP1
  • EMS probe - v10.2.0 HF2
  • Nas probe - v9.06
  • Maintenance_mode probe -  v9.02 in UIM 9.02, v8.53-HF3 in UIM 8.5.1
  • VMware - v7.11
  • HA probe* - v1.46
  • spectrumgtw probe - v8.67
  • Spectrum UIM Services - v8.67

*HA probe is only required if you want support for High Availability (HA).

For Detailed Release Notes – Please refer

MD5 Checksum: 1c8d21f651639ed656d37cc08f87c4ed
SHA-1 Checksum: ed64e191943af9ece0795eb793119b2a7d168069

What's New:

  • Enhanced HTTPS connection between the spectrumgtw probe and Spectrum OneClick for successful communication.
    (From spectrumgtw probe v8.66) It is required to import SSL Certificate of CA Spectrum OneClick server into the keystore of spectrumgtw probe for the successful communication.
  • Provided support for secured connection (HTTPS) between CA UIM and CA Spectrum.

Important! In SSL environment, after upgrading to spectrumgtw probe 8.66 ensure that SSL certificate of CA Spectrum OneClick is imported to keystore of spectrumgtw probe. Otherwise, connection to Spectrum Oneclick server fails. For instructions, see Import CA Spectrum SSL (https) Certificate into Spectrum Gateway Probe.

Following are the dependent probes versions for spectrumgtw probe 8.66:

  • EMS probe - v10.17 or higher
  • NAS probe - v9.00 or higher
  • maintenance_mode probe - v8.53

Fixed Defects:

  • The spectrumgtw probe uses wrong TLS protocol version (1.1) with java version 1.8 for HTTPS communication. Changed the TLS protocol version to 1.2 to use for Java version 1.8 and above. Support case number 0100484.

For Detailed Release Notes – Please refer

MD5 Checksum: 8487fe54aa6815b6110e13f6b77bd352
SHA-1 Checksum: 2f0c420f4542be27526231c06abeb9f33833228f

What's New:

  • Moved the integration configuration GUI for Host Servers, VMware and Alarm synchronization to the probe Admin Console from CA Spectrum OneClick Admin.
  • Added support for maintenance mode schedule synchronization between CA Spectrum and CA UIM.
  • Showing the vMotion changes reflection in CA Spectrum hierarchy is enhanced.
  • Enhanced the spectrumgtw probe 8.65 version to allow the Spectrum users to customize (changing the severity) UIM alarms in CA Spectrum.

For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer



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 MD5 : ce3d58bec9c415d3135938c27cd5e30b

 SHA1 : adeb62799eeb630fb203742b19f4bc4cb6d9f655



What's New:

Added support for the following advanced features.
  • Configure multi-tenant CA UIM origins for each CA Spectrum landscape
  • Synchronize specific alarms using filters
  • CA UIM generated alarms can be either root cause or symptom alarm.

Probe Specific Software Requirements:

The spectrumgtw probe v8.64 requires the following software environment:
  • CA Spectrum 10.2.2
  • CA UIM 8.51 or 8.51 SP1

For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer to


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md5sum: 424244f561de0cd0ec6c8260fb858d4c
sha1sum: fe644ccb63c9a11ad67eed8647e70916d9e998a8

Fixed Defect:

  • The probe was unable to synchronize values of User Tag 1 and User Tag 2 fields in alarms from CA UIM to CA Spectrum. Support case number 693640
sha1sum: 2635e97b11c08acd68b9d5f1bca4c092f1c3cb5a
30.03.2017 What's New:
  • Added support to synchronize the following SNMP device details from the connected CA Spectrum Global Collection to CA UMP.
    • SNMP profiles
    • Community strings or attributes

    Note: SNMP synchronization requires CA Spectrum 10.2.1 or later.

  • Added support to connect to CA Spectrum using HTTPS.
  • Added support to view details of the following CA UIM alarm fields in the corresponding CA Spectrum alarm details
    • User Tag 1 and User Tag 2
    • Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, Custom 4, and Custom 5
Fixed Defect:
  • The probe truncated long object names to the last 20 characters in the probe log. The probe logs also incorrectly spelled Information as Iformation. Support case number 697375
md5sum: 6fd030d041a4ed3335786e50b0a37487
sha1sum: 3631fe4fa65620622d9da8a7b74546e34a4329a6
02.03.2017 Added support for CA UIM 8.5.1 release.

md5sum: e0778a798ee5026e50563a3d9bdb22c7
sha1sum: 2b507864c747a945a80a7ee274c40bbd62a05353
05.01.2017 What's New:
The following fixes were made to this release of the probe:
Fixed Defects:
1. Incident ID from ServiceNow was not getting processed in CA Spectrum.
2. Troubleshooter assigned by service desk (for UIM alarms in Spectrum) getting overridden / Nullified.
3. Trouble Ticket ID updated incorrectly in Spectrum during synchronization.
4. For newly created UIM alarms, Ticket ID was getting overridden, when running full sync job immediately after an incremental sync.

For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
https://wiki.ca.com/rest/ca/product/latest/topic? format=rendered&language=&space=UIMPGA&hid=spectrumgtw_RN
Note: Salesforce case(s) may not be viewable to all
28.09.2016 Initial GA release of the spectrumgtw probe

md5sum: aa144440b5982e5c83e5975f90b48d9b
sha1sum: ecd7b63322a975b79274b71746e14e6164ddd01e
25.03.2016 First release of spectrumgtw

md5sum: 54c66a07862ac148a0cf640e8cbe4503
sha1sum: 9550abcb4d00f50996ed68f621733745afeb6b5e
Platform: Windows 2008 Server, Windows 2012 Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Software: CA UIM 8.47 or above, CA Spectrum 10.1.2 or above
Hardware: CPU: 3 GHz dual-core processor (32 or 64-bit), Memory: 4GB RAM