Native hpux packages

Nimsoft robot install package for HPUX
Revision history
Date Description State Version

Released with DX UIM 23.4 CU1.

SHA-256 Checksum: 5cdd1c7f119eec977394862f94c54954bde9f90cec38e3bfc739c439ed9b1bfd
GA 23.4.1

Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU10

SHA-256 Checksum: bb44794a2f97cdb5ab9c929992797b38ba577f687efa883d1a07a646c2e3100b

Released with DX UIM 23.4

SHA-256 Checksum: 694ac9c26908052ba3706fe86e495c43e5466a29c749e14f48c0e968d3bf8b15

Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU9.

SHA-256 Checksum: 0c9e6ebd49448eaa437dc97896342d0434160a17ba8aebdf1340a2fa91b7a2aa

Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU8.

SHA-256 Checksum: 3b6fd90244032d094204dc5affb64d7b902899a5fe2ca191450a2764448f9af9
  • Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU7.
SHA-256 Checksum: af0d9d6704a12a47ef9ad1bfb8dd70daf1985bb08587c8634600e916a383ab7d
  • Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU6.
SHA-256 Checksum: d0ae9a24992d89d9b2f6e4f36c8e66f55a8b73796af632b4a79c59ce17b01adf
  • Released with DX UIM 20.4 CU4.
SHA-256 Checksum: 6ff5cfe5e8a619c60667600b394ed4b4082e9b791fc88ec69471a12e1bab05ef

What's New:

  • OpenSSL upgrade from version 1.1.1k to 1.1.1l
  • Race condition issue resolution while package distribution.

Fixed Defects:

  • Controller binding to 169.x address should be prevented. (Support Case: 32870028)
SHA-256 Checksum: 99e93bd180e0519ca335ccf98d0f8919d4f7a4d1d023af66dfa59a0d62dae3e2

(Released as part of DX UIM 20.4.0.)

For the robot_hpux 9.34 Release Notes, see

SHA-256 Checksum: e440f309f3fc404858fc7104568208b2b4fbda4bba01a32a8fe61fc99a7eb882

(Released as part of UIM 20.3.3)

  • (9.32 HF1) Resolved an issue where robots were not falling back to their primary hub and were staying connected to their secondary hub, until the secondary hub was powered off. This behavior was being observed in those scenarios where both the proxy_mode and strict_ip_binding were enabled for the robot. With 9.32 HF1, this issue has been resolved. (Support Case: 32302280)
  • Fixed an issue where Windows blue screen (BSOD) was coming up during the reboot caused by controller.exe. Upon rebooting a system, during or immediately after the reboot process, users were observing a Windows crash event. (Support Case: 32467624)
  • Fixed an issue where the UIM Server installing was failing while upgrading from 20.1.0 to 20.3.0. The installation was unable to communicate with the controller probe in the allotted time. (Support Case: 32446423)
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate robots were getting reported in the OC UI, but the Admin Console was showing only one robot. (Support Case: 32450799)
MD5 Checksum: 23259dc1c2ab3fc40c5ffc8721c94584
SHA-1 Checksum: d03973dda3dd8b5c0e48bc6c0d788c5dcb85f88c
  • Released with UIM 20.3.
MD5 Checksum: 42d91e374f8c4609bb92bccaa102fb9f
SHA-1 Checksum: 35aab5d74fecb447d56e10d6d6ea5076043d0206

(Included in UIM 20.1)

For the robot_hpux 9.30 Release Notes, see

MD5 Checksum: aec6d1ec0da3746c362ce7c6c7a03d89
SHA-1 Checksum: 8776334f71e231034bbdc1cacedffce3f4797531

For the robot_hpux 9.20 Release Notes, see

Note: CA UIM 9.2.0 has adopted OpenJDK 8u212 instead of Oracle JDK. Because of this change, CA UIM 9 SP1 (9.1.0) that was using Oracle JDK (JRE) 8u212 is no longer available and has been removed from the Support site. All the functionality that was included in 9.1.0 is now released as part of CA UIM 9.2.0. Consequently, all references to the 9.1.0 release and the probe version 9.10 (released with it) have also been removed from this probe documentation. We recommend that you move to this version 9.20 of this probe, as the previous version 9.10 is no longer available now. For more information about the OpenJDK usage in CA UIM, see Adopting OpenJDK.

MD5 Checksum: 5e18ea2f024a95076f66b2c3cb317ddb
SHA-1 Checksum: ff476f8d385f7ab97178cde82361080411b9ccfe
  • Updated to support the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 package version 1.01 (vs2017_vcredist_x86 1.01 and vs2017_vcredist_x64 1.01). This support helps ensure that the minimum version of the VS 2017 package is equal to or greater than 1.01. With this dependency on the version 1.01, the computer is no longer getting restarted automatically when installing the VS 2017 package. That is, with v1.01, no auto-restart of the computer happens.
  • Better handling of the controller plug-in. For example, when controller 7.96 (compiled with vs2017_vcredist_x86 1.0 or vs2017_vcredist_x64 1.0) tries to load attr_publisher (compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008), the controller stops responding. This happens because of the compiler incompatibility. Now, with this release of the probe, which is dependent on vs2017_vcredist_x86 1.01 or vs2017_vcredist_x64 1.01, controller no longer loads the plugin (attr_publisher) if it is not compatible.
  • Updated to provide support for Amazon Linux 2.
MD5 Checksum: d544647468de3b9c93ea2918b2975d02
SHA-1 Checksum: 12cd36f7f298bb8e007d51a6c057beade79148a1
04.12.2018 7.96
01.11.2017 md5sum: 5f5e835d854c2c824295de1029093791
sha1sum: 0087bf328a748dde0e90ec8adff33fe856e50d2d
03.04.2017 What's New:
  • Ubuntu 16 x64 robot is now supported.
    • Perform a native installation as described in Deploy Robots in Bulk with a Third Party Tool and Native Installers. Note: Deployment with automated_deployment_engine is not supported for Ubuntu 16.
      • When installation completes, execute /opt/nimsoft/install/ enable to enable the robot services on Ubuntu 16. This step is not required for Ubuntu 14.
      • Start the robot with /opt/nimsoft/bin/niminit start
    • To completely uninstall the robot on Ubuntu 16, uninstall the service by executing the command systemctl disable nimbus.service, and delete the file /lib/systemd/system/nimbus.service.
  • Microsoft Cluster is now supported.
  • Windows Server 2016 robot is now supported.
  • Support for Debian 6 robot is discontinued.
  • The probe utility (pu) is distributed as a separate package. Use the pu package to upgrade the probe utility to v7.90.
  • Robot automatic IPv4 address determination is improved. Robotip does not have to be manually set in robot.cfg in order for a robot to start.
  • Robot failover detection prevents unnecessary robot failovers when the hub misses a single response to a robot request (_status, alive, robotup, or probelist). The robot is more tolerant of incomplete _status requests. Two new properties can be specified in robot.cfg.
    • robot_status_check_interval controls how frequently the robot polls the hub with a _status request. Previously, this was not configurable, and the polling occurred at a medium timeout, approximately every 11 seconds. Use this property to approximately specify the new polling interval. The interval is approximate because the status check occurs in the medium timeout that exceeds the requested interval. For example, if the robot_status_check_interval is set to 30 seconds, polling will occur every 33 seconds (3 x 11 second medium timeout). The default value is 60 seconds, which equates to a status check every 66 seconds.
    • robot_failover_count improves the resiliency of the robot. In the past, the robot failover mechanism was invoked when one _status request to the hub failed. Use this property to specify the number of consecutive _status failures that must occur before initiating robot failover to a secondary hub. Default, 2.

Known Issues:
  • Install the v7.90 robot_update package before upgrading the hub probe to v7.90. When the hub package is installed first, the hub appears to go offline in Admin Console and Infrastructure Manager. A communication error is reported, but the hub upgrade is successful even when the error occurs.
  • Update robotip manually on Debian platform
      By default, Debian uses as the name resolution address. When a robot is deployed to a Debian system with automated_deployment_engine and the system is restarted, the robot attempts to bind to To avoid contention for on Debian systems, take the following actions:
      • After installing the robot manually or with automated_deployment_engine, add or update the following key in the robot.cfg file to ensure that the robot binds to the correct IP address:
        • robotip = debian_ip_address
      • When preparing an XML file for bulk deployment to Debian systems, explicitly set the robotip in the XML file as follows:
        • <robotip>debian_ip_address</robotip> where debian_ip_address is the IP address that the robot should bind to on the target system
md5sum: 2d7c5577dea2366070eefb2afc6a504b
sha1sum: 2b23f8b1db25234484b6446603b70b3aed517949
02.03.2017 Controller plugin infrastructure for Application Discovery, Windows Server 2016 Robot, Debian 8 Robot, and Ubuntu 16 Robot.

md5sum: f28e36f886c11ac3db408cfc731614fb
sha1sum: 94cfea136429a299243da8f7e67b01963ee118eb

• Proxy mode for robot will now allow the robot spooler to start. In hub-7.7x, the spooler will not start on a controller restart when the controller is configured in proxy mode, due to a port assignment conflict. In hub-7.80, this issue was resolved.

• In SSL mode 0, the robot spooler will not attempt to communicate using SSL.

• AIX java probes will now start up. Previously, on AIX, the controller did not start java probes correctly, so that the java probes process failed to launch. The fix changes the way the system calls to start java probes allowing them to start.

• Controller pre-install exit codes are now correctly interpreted. Previously, POSIX systems were incorrectly utilizing the exit code which would cause improper behavior.

• Added longer output from the command line probe utility. The individual item character line limit is now 300 characters.

md5sum: 9d97b5e1baf4a6fabd857f05b028fbee
sha1sum: e349c37549b71f93026f0ed68b08e7a56e011e9c
31.03.2015 New features:
• When a robot fails over to a secondary hub, the robot retains its origin. The origin is attached to each QoS message generated by a probe and routed through its robot. By default, the origin is the robot’s designated parent hub. With hub v7.63 and earlier, the robot's default origin upon failover changed to the name of the failover hub. As of hub v7.70, the origin remains the name of the robot’s designated parent (specified by the hub attribute in robot.cfg). Icon
Note: UIM administrators can override the default value by defining the origin in the robot configuration. In multi-tenant environments, for example, an admin can specify the origin in order to group data and control user access to the data. If the origin attribute exists in robot.cfg, the robot’s spooler attaches it to the message, and the hub’s spooler does not alter it. This behavior has not changed.
• A hub can be configured to send an alarm to report dropped messages. All messages generated by probes have a subject that is used to route the message on the message bus. If the hub does not have an attach or post queue configured for a particular subject, any message with that subject is dropped by the spooler. Hub 7.70 has the ability to send an alarm to provide a summary of how often this occurs. This behavior is disabled by default. To enable it, specify in hub.cfg: subjects_no_destination_alarm_interval=< seconds >
• Username and password limitations are consistently enforced. Username must be 1 to 254 characters long and cannot contain control characters, right or left arrows (< or >), or forward slashes (/); password must be 5 to 254 characters long.
• Removed the ability to provide SID to command line probe utility. In past releases, the -S option of the pu command (which lets you execute probe commands from a command prompt) could be used to explicitly set a session identification (SID). This capability has been removed to prevent security from being bypassed through SID injection.
• Improved behavior of SSL mode. If a controller is managed by a hub that has SSL mode=0, the controller no longer creates the robot.pem file upon startup. Any UIM components installed on that system will not accept SSL connections.
• Improved DNS lookup during tunnel setup. DNS lookup, which maps the hostname to an IP address, will retry on DNS failures, making tunnels more tolerant of temporary or intermittent failures.
• Robot user tags are propagated in bus-generated messages and alarms. These values are specified in robot.cfg by configuring the controller probe in Admin Console or Infrastructure Manager.
• Robot can automatically pull probes with ADE. Upon startup, controller looks forrequest.cfg, a text file you can create to enable automatic deployment of the probes to the robot. Previously, these requests could only be facilitated by distsrv, which still handles them by default. With the release of automated_deployment_engine v8.1, the ADE probe also has the ability to handle these requests. To direct request.cfg files to ADE, use the Raw Config utility to add the deploy_addr parameter (which specifies the UIM address of the ADE probe) to robot.cfg: deploy_addr=/<domain>/<hub>/<robot>/automated_deployment_engine

md5sum : 04dd0c745ec84fc68b994c30100b0197
sha1sum: 5fb6481a927c684b37cc5abfacb233562ff692dd
30.12.2014 • OpenSSL 1.0.0m
• Removal of a potential crash condition at shutdown
• Improvements to port free checks under various circumstances

md5sum: 04b4c5df1a57feaa0121d586d203d7f9
sha1sum: 21dcd4cdc4002033f4e8371f4a27520f6cdc5b0f
Platform: None
Software: None
Hardware: None