What's New:
- Updated log4j library to 2.17.1 to remediate the vulnerabilities - CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105.
SHA-256 Checksum: 742b2f4db1554d5fe4461004ed39c4c2312012dbcca62e8cbb580df204d3d4d0
Fixed Defects:
- The QOS_STORAGE_TOTAL_CAPACITY now collects data at the LUNs level. Earlier this was collected at the Disk level.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
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MD5 Checksum: 9891fba5dbb92c88f31c21776cb0ce30
SHA-1 Checksum: bec5ef66fbccb3e85f9d5d5b4729599b225b41c6
What's New:
The QOS_STORAGE_TOTAL_CAPACITY to measure total storage capacity now collects data in GB.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Note: Support case(s) may not be viewable to all
SHA-1: 07b9a72373abe87b1e6bec2a8bf089203bce0bde
MD5: f64a861ba729951e169a2b6d76df51f1
What's New:
- The probe always generates QoS messages for the total capacity of the storage server.
Fixed Defects:
- Physical > DAE > Disks component is not available from the template when upgrading to version 2.22. Support case number 581763
- The probe does not send Faults as Alarms in versions 2.20 and 2.21. Support case number 506672
- In certain upgrade situations, the probe does not generate PID and causes exceptions. Support case number 622640
- The probe generates false alarm for all LUNs. Support case number 642719
- The probe calculates incorrect values for the LUN_ResponseTime monitor. Support case number 624596
- The probe does not display disk information in the inventory navigation tree. Support case number 646051
md5sum: c9940beefb91d3e166ded07ed8c3fd6f
sha1sum: 5c04ad2e3884b80b248c36cf77743edbec31b3dd
What's New:
1. Certified the probe on VNX 5100 and 5200 storage servers.
Fixed Defects:
1. The probe generated duplicate alarms for State and Boolean monitors. Support case number 437082
2. The probe generated data collection failure alarms even after the components were again available for monitoring. Support case number 470496
Note: For more information about the defects, see the Known Issues and Workarounds section.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Note: Support case(s) may not be viewable to all customers.
What's New:
1. Added templates to configure multiple profiles with the same monitor configuration. For more information, see clariion AC Configuration.
2. Added support to monitor the consumed LUN capacity.
Fixed Defects:
1. Defined new names for some monitors in clariion Metrics. For more information, see Upgrade Considerations. Support case number 415398
2. Updated a known issue where the probe does not retrieve monitoring information on VNX5400 storage server. Support case number 411754
3. The probe had the following issues when generating alarms. Support case number 382205
(a) The probe did not migrate static alarms.
(b) The probe generated an error alarm when configuring static alarms.
(c) The probe used incorrect boolean values in FAN alarms.
4. When upgrading from 1.65, the probe terminated unexpectedly when the earlier version included a profile without any active monitors. Support case number 382183
5. The probe used boolean and string units instead of state as the unit for the status monitors. Support case number 341197
6. When upgrading from 1.65, the probe did not upgrade the java startup options in the configuration file. Support case number 416452
7. The probe was unable to verify the connection to the storage server. Support case number 417649.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Note: Support case(s) may not be viewable to all customers.
Fixed Defect:
Some metrics use multiple collection intervals to calculate metric value. The probe generated false alarms for these metrics on each restart. Support Case Number 246156
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
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Added Features:
The probe now includes the standard static alarm threshold parameters.
Note: On upgrading the probe from a previous version to 2.10, all the probe specific alarm configurations in the probe monitors are automatically replaced by Static Alarms configurations. The probe does not support rollback of these alarm configurations. For more information, refer "Upgrade Considerations" section in the Release Notes (link shared below for reference)
Added the following new metrics:
six LUN Metrics: Read IOPs, Write IOPs, Read Bandwidth, Write Bandwidth, Bandwidth and LUN Utilization.
one Mirror View Metrics: State Number
four SP Metrics: Blocks Read, Blocks Written, Total Reads and Total Writes.
From 2.0 version onwards probe is only available from Admin Console GUI and not on the Infrastructure Manager GUI
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
First release of the probe for Admin Console GUI.The probe is now available only through the web-based GUI and not through the Infrastructure Manager (IM) GUI.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Fixed Issues:
Corrected the metrics value of: LUN metrics- LUN Service Time, Storage Processor metrics-Utilization, Total IOPs, AverageBusyQueueLength, Service Time and Response Time. (Salesforce Cases: 00148680, 00155222)
Disabled the following LUN metrics: LUN Response Time and LUN Queue Length.
Added one new LUN metrics: Utilization
The probe was unable to monitor LCC state on VNX 5600. (Salesforce Case: 00149979)
The heap size for the clariion probe has been changed to: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m.(Salesforce Cases: 00149887, 00152761).
Note:Salesforce case(s) may not be viewable to all
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Note:Salesforce case(s) may not be viewable to all
1. Fixed a defect where the Source Override feature was not working properly. (Salesforce Case: 00099959)
2. Added support for VNX and VNX2.
3. Certified the probe for:
VNX Models:VNX5300 and VNX5700
VNX2 Models: VNX5400 and VNX8000
4. Added three new LUN metrics: LUN Response Time, LUN Service Time and LUN Queue Length.
5. Added five new SP metrics: Utilization, Total IOPs, AverageBusyQueueLength, Service Time and Response Time.
6. Added three new SPE metrics: Management Modules, IOModules and Standby Power Supplies.
7. Added two new DAE metrics: Link Control Cards and Fans.
8. Certain metric names have been changed to achieve consistency in the way CA UIM reports metrics vs. EMC.
For Detailed Release Notes- Please Refer
Fixed a defect where the Infrastructure Manager (IM) GUI was not able to fetch and display the profile information when the probe was opened from a remote machine.(Salesforce Case: 00102368)
For Detailed Release Notes- Please Refer
Fixed the defect of not displaying the disk metrics for a LUN. The metrics were available at device itself but not for the LUNs, where are built from a pool. Now, the probe displays all disk metrics for LUN also.
Fixed the defect of passing the Test button even when the NaviSecCli command fails. Now, the probe fails the subsequent commands and the Test button when the NaviSecCli command fails.
Fixed the defect of not reflecting the updated message severity, when the Clariion system is not responding. Now, the probe shows the updated message details when details are updated in the message pool irrespective of the Clariion status.
For Detailed Release Notes-Please refer
Added default templates.
Added simulation mode using recorded data.
Fixed parsing issue with some VNX naviseccli output.
Fixed null pointer exception when parsing info about removed drives.
Added check to avoid re-sending alarms for old Clariion logs at probe startup.
Added metrics for Thin LUN IOPS, Throughput.
Fixed incorrect “Empty” disk status on last non-empty drive.
Certification on VNX hardware platform.
Certification on VNX hardware platform.
Added usage metering metrics and CIs.
Fixed major defects.
Added code to process CI metrics.
New metric for Disk State
New relay to convert CLARiiON Events to NMS alarms
Use bundled jre package
GA version of the probe
Fixed a problem with enabling monitors using only the checkbox.
Added support for templates.
Added new Thin Pool metrics, including Percent Full, Percent Available, Percent Subscribed, Consumed Capacity, and User Capacity.
Added new RAID Group Percent Free metric.
Added new LUN metrics, including Currently Trespassed and Trespasses (Past Hour).
Added new Mirror View State metric.
Added new FAST Cache category with metrics for Mode, Percent Dirty (SP A & SP B), Size, and State.
Added a checkbox to enable or disable relaying CLARiiON faults as Nimsoft Alarms.
Added configurable scope to probe GUI
Updated thin pool processing for FLARE 30
Made scope configurable for navicli commands
Initial version of the probe